© Copyright UKSF 2011-2024
If you have already started an application, please login to continue the application
You may edit the 'Details' part of your application after submitting
If you require help, contact an SR1 (Red 'R' tag) on our TeamSpeak (uk-sf.co.uk)
Or you can talk with us in the 'newcomers' channel on our Discord
Our operations are based on British Special Forces responsibilities
We consider ourselves military simulation in-game, and emulate British Military procedures as best we can
Debriefs are held after each operation, where performance is closely analysed and discussed
Each individual's game experience, the unit's collective game experience, and fun are always our first priorities in UKSF. We cannot however provide the maximum expectation 100% of the time
UKSF was founded 10 years ago, and our leading members have been with us for 5+ years. We therefore focus on individuals who can offer long term dedication to the unit
Main operations are every Saturday at 7:45pm until late
Training is every Wednesday at 7:45pm until ~10pm
Side operations occur usually every Tuesday and Thursday from ~7:30pm. These may occur on other days of the week as well (These are not mandatory but are encouraged)
Your personal life should always come before UKSF, however we do require notification if you are unable to attend Main Ops on Saturdays, and Training on Wednesdays
Our expectation is that you should be able to attend 3 Main Ops in a month
If you are unable to attend a Main Op, or are on holiday, you should submit a LOA through the website system
LOAs are only accepted before noon if submitted on the day you cannot attend. LOAs posted after noon will not be counted, unless in the case of an emergency
If we do not receive a LOA before noon, you will be marked as absent for that Main Op. 3 absences in a row will result in a discharge, depending on the circumstances
You must own a legitimate copy of Arma 3
It is required that you own APEX DLC as we occasionally run missions on Tanoa. No other DLCs are required
Your system must be able to handle the game at more than vanilla performance, as our missions can be quite intensive
UKSF does not allow dual-clanning. This is where you are actively a part of more than 1 milsim unit at a time
UKSF encourages proactivity
UKSF encourages being forward with your problems, ideas, suggestions, concerns, etc
UKSF expects a degree of maturity and common sense
Upon passing the application process, you will be moved to the Basic Training Unit
Basic Training consists of 4 phases, each of which you must pass before continuing to the next
Basic Training takes a minimum of 4 weeks. This depends on your attendance and instructor availability
Upon passing Basic Training, you will be moved to SFSG, where you can pursue any specialisation we have to offer
Specialisations include basic section qualifications such as gunner, marksman, anti-tank, basic radio skills, advanced navigation, and infantry recce school
Role specialisations require more training and the expectation of remaining in that role. These include NCO, Officer, and Team Medic
Unit specialisations require the most training and result in a move to a different unit. The specialist units currently available include Medic, RTO/FAC, Sniper, and JSFAW
Our approach to training involves ensuring the trainee is capable of the role in both ability and attitude. Therefore, long-term specialisations are conditional based on these factors, and can take a number of months to achieve
Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions about UKSF
The best place to reach us is on our Discord
Feel free to join our TeamSpeak (uk-sf.co.uk) if you'd prefer to talk to someone by voice
© Copyright UKSF 2011-2024